An antidote to greenwashing and doom-scrolling in the climate space.

Are you surprised to hear we can have a beautiful future?

Things will undoubtedly get harder before they truly begin to heal. But climate mitigation forecasts are increasingly being called out for their inability to capture technological change, tipping points and emerging opportunities.

Understand the dynamics that have been missing.

Creating an updated vision for the future is the most important action you can take.

Do you feel guilt or fear that your kids will ask you tough questions about the health of the world that you don’t have helpful answers for?

Learn what you can do to make their lives more secure. Direct your efforts towards impacting truly beneficial global outcomes.

Do you feel a lack of connection and community with others who are action-oriented around climate change?

Having fun and engaging others with creativity and humor is at the heart of creating a better tomorrow. It is the heart of what it means to be human.

Connecting and sharing our fears, hopes, ideas and knowledge not only makes us feel good, it builds something bigger. It helps us to feel empowered and can simply put a smile on our faces.